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Online payment service interruption, 03/22/2025

Online payment processing will be unavailable on Saturday, March 22, 2025, from 6-10 p.m. ET due to scheduled maintenance of the U.S. Treasury's payment processing system.

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Group Billing Access

PACER Administrative Account (PAA) holders, who represent a group of individuals to manage and pay for all charges associated with multiple PACER accounts, can perform numerous functions to manage their account effectively.

Register for a PACER Administrative Account.

Add Individual Accounts

As a PAA account holder, you must invite the individual user to add them to your group billing account. The individual user, must in turn, accept the invitation. To add an individual account to your PAA account, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Manage My Account with your username and password.
  2. Click on the PAA Maintenance tab.
  3. Select "Add Existing PACER Account to My PAA."
  4. Enter the Account Number and the Last Name for the account you wish to add. 
  5. Enter a brief remark, then check the box to acknowledge the policies and procedures. 
  6. Click Submit.

Once the user logs in and accepts the invitation, the account will be activated within a few minutes.

Remove Individual Accounts

PACER Administrative Account holders can remove an account from being linked to a PAA account.

  1. Log into Manage My Account with your PACER Administrative Account (PAA) username and password.
  2. Click on the PAA Maintenance tab.
  3. Select Remove PACER Account(s) from My PAA.
  4. Enter a brief Remark, then check the box(es) for the account(s) you wish to remove.
  5. Click Submit.

An email confirmation will be sent to both the individual and PAA account holders when an account is unlinked from a PAA.

Payment Options

All PACER charges associated with each individual account are billed to the PACER Administrative Account (PAA). One invoice is generated for the PAA and includes itemized charges for each linked account. An email is sent to the PAA account holder when an invoice is ready. To view billing information or quarterly invoice, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Manage My Account with your PACER Administrative Account (PAA) username and password.
  2. Click the Usage tab and select View Detailed Transactions.

Read the user manual specific for PACER Administrative Accounts.