Forgot Username or Password?
There are different steps to follow when retrieving your username or resetting your password depending on which version of CM/ECF your court uses or if you are a PACER-only user.
If you are a PACER-only user or a NextGen CM/ECF filer
All U.S. courts of appeals and some U.S. district and bankruptcy courts have converted to NextGen CM/ECF for electronically filing case documents. If you aren’t sure which version of CM/ECF your court uses, look up the court on the Court CM/ECF Lookup.
If you are a CurrentGen CM/ECF filer
You must contact the court directly if you are a CurrentGen CM/ECF filer. Usernames and passwords are managed and maintained by each court individually and the PACER Service Center does not have access to this data.
Find the CM/ECF Helpdesk phone number for your court using the Court CM/ECF Lookup.