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PACER Case Locator (PCL) API User Guide

The PCL application programming interface (API) is organized around representational state transfer (REST) with simple and intuitive URLs. All services use standard HTTP verbs and response codes, and use either XML or JSON encoding for requests and responses. 

The user guide provides more information and examples on this process.

XML Schema Definitions (XSDs) describe the XML elements. The files below describe the XML used for various PCL API requests and responses. Download to get a copy of the XSDs.

  • pcl-api-billing.xsd
  • pcl-api-cases.xsd
  • pcl-api-courts.xsd
  • pcl-api-errors.xsd
  • pcl-api-parties.xsd
  • pcl-api-query.xsd
  • pcl-api-reports.xsd
  • pcl-api-types.xsd