Nebraska District Court
CM/ECF Help Desk (Omaha): 866-220-4381
CM/ECF Help Desk (Lincoln & North Platte): 866-220-4379
Court Name | District of Nebraska |
Circuit | 08 |
Software Version | NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.8 (Revision 1.8.3) |
ECF Go Live Date | October 11, 2002 |
Maximum PDF File Size | 35.0 MB |
Maximum Merge Document Size | 100 MB |
Court's Name | U.S. District Court of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Court's Address | 593 Federal Building, 100 Centennial Mall North, Lincoln, NE 68508-3803 |
Court's Phone Number | (402) 437-1900 or Toll Free (866) 220-4379 |
Court's Email Address | |
Court's Hours | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, M-F |
Court's Name | U.S. District Court of Nebraska - North Platte |
Court's Address | Lincoln County Courthouse, 301 North Jeffers Street, North Platte, NE 69101 |
Court's Phone Number | Toll Free (866) 220-4381 or (866) 220-4379 |
Court's Email Address | |
Court's Name | District of Nebraska |
Court's Address | 111 South 18th Plaza, Suite 1152, Omaha, NE 68102-1322 |
Court's Phone Number | (402) 661-7350 or Toll Free (866) 220-4381 |
Court's Email Address | |
Court's Hours | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, M-F |
County Name | State |
Adams | Nebraska |
Antelope | Nebraska |
Arthur | Nebraska |
Banner | Nebraska |
Blaine | Nebraska |
Boone | Nebraska |
Box Butte | Nebraska |
Boyd | Nebraska |
Brown | Nebraska |
Buffalo | Nebraska |
Burt | Nebraska |
Butler | Nebraska |
Cass | Nebraska |
Cedar | Nebraska |
Chase | Nebraska |
Cherry | Nebraska |
Cheyenne | Nebraska |
Clay | Nebraska |
Colfax | Nebraska |
Cuming | Nebraska |
Custer | Nebraska |
Dakota | Nebraska |
Dawes | Nebraska |
Dawson | Nebraska |
Deuel | Nebraska |
Dixon | Nebraska |
Dodge | Nebraska |
Douglas | Nebraska |
Dundy | Nebraska |
Fillmore | Nebraska |
Franklin | Nebraska |
Frontier | Nebraska |
Furnas | Nebraska |
Gage | Nebraska |
Garden | Nebraska |
Garfield | Nebraska |
Gosper | Nebraska |
Grant | Nebraska |
Greeley | Nebraska |
Hall | Nebraska |
Hamilton | Nebraska |
Harlan | Nebraska |
Hayes | Nebraska |
Hitchcock | Nebraska |
Holt | Nebraska |
Hooker | Nebraska |
Howard | Nebraska |
Jefferson | Nebraska |
Johnson | Nebraska |
Kearney | Nebraska |
Keith | Nebraska |
Keya Paha | Nebraska |
Kimball | Nebraska |
Knox | Nebraska |
Lancaster | Nebraska |
Lincoln | Nebraska |
Logan | Nebraska |
Loup | Nebraska |
Madison | Nebraska |
McPherson | Nebraska |
Merrick | Nebraska |
Morrill | Nebraska |
Nance | Nebraska |
Nemaha | Nebraska |
Nuckolls | Nebraska |
Otoe | Nebraska |
Pawnee | Nebraska |
Perkins | Nebraska |
Phelps | Nebraska |
Pierce | Nebraska |
Platte | Nebraska |
Polk | Nebraska |
Red Willow | Nebraska |
Richardson | Nebraska |
Rock | Nebraska |
Saline | Nebraska |
Sarpy | Nebraska |
Saunders | Nebraska |
Scotts Bluff | Nebraska |
Seward | Nebraska |
Sheridan | Nebraska |
Sherman | Nebraska |
Sioux | Nebraska |
Stanton | Nebraska |
Thayer | Nebraska |
Thomas | Nebraska |
Thurston | Nebraska |
Valley | Nebraska |
Washington | Nebraska |
Wayne | Nebraska |
Webster | Nebraska |
Wheeler | Nebraska |
York | Nebraska |
Code | Translation |
2255MOTION | 2255 Motion |
AOFORM | AO Form |
APPEAL | Appeal |
BANKRUPTCY | Bankruptcy Case |
CASE_SEAL_REVIEWED | Case Seal Reviewed |
CLASSACTION | Class Action |
CLOSED | Case Closed |
CONSENTMAGISTRATEJUDGE | Consent to Proceed before the Magistrate Judge |
CONSOLIDATED-LEAD CASE | Case Designated as Consolidated Lead Case by Judge |
CONSOLIDATED-MEMBER CASE | Case Designated as Consolidated Member Case by Judge |
DEATH | Habeas Corpus - Death Flag |
DISMISSALDEADLINE | Dismissal Paper Deadline |
HABEAS | Habeas Corpus |
INTERLOCUTORYAPPEAL | Interlocutory Appeal |
INTERPRETER | Interpreter Used in Case |
LENGTHOFTRIAL-+10 | Length of Trial 10 or More Days |
LENGTHOFTRIAL-1 | Length of Trial 1 Day |
LENGTHOFTRIAL-2 | Length of Trial 2 Days |
LENGTHOFTRIAL-3 | Length of Trial 3 Days |
LENGTHOFTRIAL-4 | Length of Trial 4 Days |
LENGTHOFTRIAL-5 | Length of Trial 5 Days |
LENGTHOFTRIAL-6 | Length of Trial 6 Days |
LENGTHOFTRIAL-7 | Length of Trial 7 Days |
LENGTHOFTRIAL-8 | Length of Trial 8 Days |
LENGTHOFTRIAL-9 | Length of Trial 9 Days |
LIFE | Habeas Corpus - Life Flag |
MDL | Multidistrict Litigation |
MDL-1920 | Multidistrict Litigation in re Saturn L-Series |
MEDIATION | Mediation |
MERGEMAGISTRATECASE | Merge Magistrate Case |
MJ-REASSIGNMENT | Magistrate Reassignment (Internal Use Only) |
NEBRASKA-DEFENDANT | State of Nebraska is a Defendant |
NEBRASKADOCKET | Nebraska Docket |
PROSEDOCKET | Pro Se Docket |
PROTECTIVEORDER | Protective Order |
PSLC_CB | Pro Se Law Clerk Caitlin Barnes |
PSLC_JS | Pro Se Law Clerk Jennifer Sanders |
PSLC_RS | Pro Se Law Clerk Rob Stark |
REMAND | Remand |
REOPEN | Reopen |
SEALED | Sealed Case |
SOCIALSECURITY | Social Security Case |
STAT-2255 | 2255 Statistics |
STAT-CASE OPENED IN ERROR | Case Opened in Error - Disregard |
STAT-CONSENT | Consent to Proceed before the Magistrate Judge - New |
STAT-DIRECT ASSIGNMENT | Direct Assignment to Magistrate Judge With No Consent Needed |
STAT-MED | Mediation Statistics |
STAYED | Case Stayed |
STOPDOCKET | Stop Docket |
SUBMIT | Submit |
TRIAL-LINCOLN | Trial Requested in Lincoln |
TRIAL-NORTHPLATTE | Trial Requested in North Platte |
TRIAL-OMAHA | Trial Requested in Omaha |
USAPLAINTIFF | USA Plaintiff in a Case |