North Carolina Western District Court
Court Name | Western District of North Carolina |
Circuit | 04 |
Software Version | NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.8 (Revision 1.8.3) |
ECF Go Live Date | June 1, 2005 |
Maximum PDF File Size | 50.0 MB |
Maximum Merge Document Size | 100 MB |
Court's Name | Western District of North Carolina |
Court's Address | Charlotte Division: 401 W. Trade St., Rm 1200, Charlotte, NC 28202 |
Court's Phone Number | 1-866-851-1605 |
Court's Email Address | |
Court's Hours | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm |
Court's Name | Western District of North Carolina |
Court's Address | Asheville Division: 309 US Courthouse Bldg., 100 Otis St., Asheville, NC 28801 |
Court's Phone Number | 1-866-851-1605 |
Court's Email Address | |
Court's Hours | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm |
Court's Name | Western District of North Carolina |
Court's Address | Statesville Division: 200 W. Broad St., Rm 304, Statesville, NC 28677 |
Court's Phone Number | 1-866-851-1605 |
Court's Email Address | |
Court's Hours | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm |
County Name | State |
Alexander | North Carolina |
Alleghany | North Carolina |
Anson | North Carolina |
Ashe | North Carolina |
Avery | North Carolina |
Buncombe | North Carolina |
Burke | North Carolina |
Caldwell | North Carolina |
Catawba | North Carolina |
Cherokee | North Carolina |
Clay | North Carolina |
Cleveland | North Carolina |
Gaston | North Carolina |
Graham | North Carolina |
Haywood | North Carolina |
Henderson | North Carolina |
Iredell | North Carolina |
Jackson | North Carolina |
Lincoln | North Carolina |
Macon | North Carolina |
Madison | North Carolina |
McDowell | North Carolina |
Mecklenburg | North Carolina |
Mitchell | North Carolina |
Polk | North Carolina |
Rutherford | North Carolina |
Swain | North Carolina |
Transylvania | North Carolina |
Union | North Carolina |
Watauga | North Carolina |
Wilkes | North Carolina |
Yancey | North Carolina |
Code | Translation |
3-Strikes | 3 Strikes |
2255 | 2255 |
ABEYANCE | Abeyance |
AmdPleadingDue | Amended Pleading Due |
APPEAL | Appeal |
ARBITRATION | Arbitration |
Arrest-Other | Arrest - Other District |
ASBESTOS | Abestos |
AVL | Asheville |
BKAPPEAL | Bankruptcy Appeal |
BOC | Bill of Costs |
CASE_SEAL_REVIEWED | Case Seal Reviewed |
CASREF | Case referred |
CLASS | Class |
CLOSED | Case Closed |
CONSENT | Consent |
CONSOLIDATED | Consolidated |
DEATH | Death Penalty |
DelayNtc | DELAYED NTC |
DePIERRE | DePierre |
ECFNTC | ECF Notices |
ENJOINED | Enjoined |
FEDCIRCUIT | Federal Circuit |
FilerStatus | Filer Status |
FUGITIVE | Fugitive |
HABEAS | Habeas Corpus |
IFP-Ref1 | IFP Referred to PSLC1 |
IFP-Ref2 | IFP Referred to PSLC2 |
INTERPRETER | Interpreter |
JOHNSON | Johnson |
JUVENILE(Sealed) | JUVENILE (Sealed) |
LEAD | Lead Case |
M&R | M&R |
MAG | Magistrate |
MDL-2947 | MDL-2947 |
MDL-3036 | MDL-3036 |
MDL-Member | MDL-Member |
MEDIATION | Mediation |
MEMBER | Member |
NC | NC |
NCPLS | NC Prisoner Legal Services Program |
NCPLS-NonRep | NC Prisoner Legal Services Program - Non Representation |
NODOCKET | No Docket |
PAP | Prisoner Assistance Program |
PE | Psychiatric Exam |
PHENFE | Phenfe |
PLED | Pled |
PreFileInj | Prefiling Injunction |
PRETRIAL-DIVERSION | Pretrial Diversion |
PSAP | Pro Se Settlement Assistance Program |
PSAP-Stayed | Pro Se Settlement Assistance Program Stayed |
PSLC-IFP | PSLC - IFP Motion Referral |
PSLC1 | Pro Se Law Clerk 1 |
PSLC2 | Pro Se Law Clerk 2 |
PSLC3 | Pro Se Law Clerk 3 |
PSLC4 | Pro Se Law Clerk 4 |
PSLC5 | Pro Se Law Clerk 5 |
RECUSE | Recuse |
Related-CR | Related-CR |
Related-Info | Related-Info |
Related-SRV | Related-SRV |
RestDefer | Restitution Deferred |
SEALED | Case Sealed |
SIMMONS | Simmons |
SM | Special Master |
SS-ReferMJ | Social Security Case Referred to Magistrate Judge |
STAYED | Case Stayed |
STAYED-BK | Stayed Bankruptcy |
TEST | Test |
USCA-Remand | USCA Remanded for action |
VICWIT | VictimWitnessGrp |