Hawaii District Court
Court Name | District of Hawaii |
Circuit | 09 |
Software Version | NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.8 (Revision 1.8.3) |
ECF Go Live Date | December 5, 2005 |
Maximum PDF File Size | 250 |
Maximum Merge Document Size | 500 MB |
Court's Name | District of Hawaii |
Court's Address | 300 Ala Moana Blvd C-338 Honolulu, HI 96850 |
Court's Phone Number | 808 541-1300 |
Court's Email Address | hawaii_cmecf@hid.uscourts.gov |
Court's Hours | 8:30am - 4:00pm |
County Name | State |
American Samoa | |
Hawaii | Hawaii |
Honolulu | Hawaii |
Kalawao | Hawaii |
Kauai | Hawaii |
Maui | Hawaii |
Code | Translation |
3 JUDGE HEARING | 3 Judge Hearing |
75BC | 75BC |
75BD | 75BD |
75BE | 75BE |
75BF | 75BF |
2254 | 2254 |
2255 | 2255 |
ACKREC | Kay Recusal |
ADM CLOSED | Administratively Closed |
ALLREC | All judges recused |
AO120 | Trademark Case |
AO121 | Copyright |
AO279 | AO279 |
APPEAL | Appeal |
APPMAG | Appeal of Magistrate |
ARBITRATION | Arbitration |
BIFURC | Bifurcation |
BMKREC | Kurren Recusal |
CASE_SEAL_REVIEWED | Case Seal Reviewed |
CASREF | Case referred |
CLOSED | Case Closed |
CONS | Consolidated |
CONSDS | Consolidated for Discovery |
CONSENT | Consent to Magistrate Jurisdiction |
CONSPT | Consolidated for Pretrial |
CONSST | Consolidated for ST |
CONSTR | Consolidated for Trial |
CSSTAY | Case stayed |
CU/ADV | Case Under Advisement |
DAEREC | Ezra Recusal |
DKWREC | Watson Recusal |
ENE | Early neutral evaluation |
FIRE | Lahaina Fire Lawsuit Case |
HABEAS | Habeas Corpus |
HGREC | Gillmor Recusal |
IN PERSON HRG | Mandatory In Pers Hrg |
INTAPP | Interlocutory Appeal |
INTERPRETER | Interpreter |
JAOREC | Otake Resucal |
JMSREC | Seabright Recusal |
JUVY | Juvenile |
KJMREC | Mansfield Recusal |
KSCREC | Chang Recusal |
LEADPT | Lead Pretrial |
LEADTR | Lead Trial |
LEKREC | Kobayashi Recusal |
MEDIATION | Mediation |
MJSELECT | Magistrate Judge Selected |
MOTREF | Motion referred |
MWJSREC | Judge Smith Recusal |
PRIS PRO SE | Prisoner Prose |
PRO BONO | Pro Bono Attorney Assigned |
Pro Se | PRO SE |
PROTO | Protective Order |
REDHILL | Cases Related to Red Hill water crisis |
REMAND | Remand |
REOPEN | Case Reopened |
RLPREC | Puglisi Recusal |
RTREC | Trader Recusal |
SASPREC | Park Recusal |
SEALED | Case Sealed |
SETTBMK | Kurren is referred Settlement Magistrate Judge |
SETTKJM | Mansfield is the referred Settlement Magistrate Judge |
SETTKSC | Chang is the referred Settlement Magistrate Judge |
SETTRLP | Puglisi is the referred Settlement Magistrate Judge |
SEVER | Severed |
SM | Special Master |
SOMREC | Mollway Recusal |
SPKREC | King Recusal |
STAYED | Case Stayed |
TERMED | Case Termed |
TRANSF | Case Transferred |
U/ADV | Motion Under Advisement |
WRPREC | Porter Recusal |