342(e) |
342(e) - Creditor has filed a preferred address / update info to override NCRS |
707(b) |
707(b) - Presumption of Abuse under 707(b) |
727OBJ |
727OBJ - Objection to the Discharge of the Debtor |
ADDCHG - Change of Address |
AddCreds |
*** Flag replaced by AddRmvCreds 4/27/10 *** |
AddRmvCreds |
AddRmvCreds - Amended Scheds adding or removing creditors |
ADMrvw |
ADMrvw - Administrative Review Required for Application for Unclaimed Funds |
ADV - Adversary filed |
APPEAL - Appeal filed |
AppUCF |
AppUCF - Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds pending |
ARCHIVED - Case Archived |
AUDIT-NOCLOSE - Selected for Audit by U.S. Trustee - Do Not Close |
Aw341MtgPM |
Awaiting 341 Meeting Proceeding Memo |
AwaitAppIFP |
AwaitAppIFP - Awaiting Application for IFP Waiver |
AwaitAppInst |
AwaitAppInst - Awaiting Application to Pay Filing Fees in Installments |
AwFormsAppUCF |
AwFormsAppUCF - Awaiting Supporting Docs for Applic for Payment of Unclaimed Funds |
Barred Debtor |
BARRED-Fees - Debtor barred from filing in this district until outstanding fees paid |
BPP - Bankruptcy Petition Preparer Assistance |
CARES - Plan modification under CARES Act provisions granted |
CC_Exempt_D |
CC_Exempt_D - Debtor is exempt from credit counseling requirements |
CC_Exempt_JD |
CC_Exempt_JD - Joint Debtor is exempt from credit counseling requirements |
Ch7Bus |
Ch7Bus - Chapter 7 Business Case |
CHrvw |
CHrvw - Chambers Review Required for Application for Unclaimed Funds |
CLAIMS - Notice to File Claims issued |
ClmsAgt |
ClmsAgt - Debtor has employed a claims agent |
CLOSED - Case Closed |
CONFIRMED - Plan Confirmed |
CONS - Consolidated Case |
CONVERTED - Case Converted |
CounDue |
CounDue - Credit Counseling Certification not filed |
CredAdd |
*** Replaced with 342(e) flag 4/27/10 *** |
CRTeN - Debtor Receives Electronic Notice of Court-Served Documents - COURT USE ONLY |
CS |
CS - Court Service Ch 13 |
DebtEd |
DebtEd - Debtor's Financial Management Course Certificate Due |
DebtEdJt |
DebtEdJt - Joint Debtor's Financial Management Course Certificate Due |
DEFER - Fee Deferred |
*** Replaced by DelayCL 4/27/10 *** |
DelayCL |
DelayCL - Delay closing of case |
DelayODSC |
DelayODSC - Delay or defer entry of discharge order |
DirApl |
DirApl - Direct Appeal filed in Circuit Court |
Discharge_DENIED |
Discharge_DENIED - Discharge Denied (includes both debtors in joint debtor case) |
Discharge_DENIED_D |
Discharge_DENIED_D - Discharge denied for primary debtor only |
Discharge_DENIED_JD |
Discharge_DENIED_JD - Discharge denied for Joint Debtor only |
Discharge_REVOKED |
Discharge_REVOKED - Discharge Revoked |
Discharge_WAIVED |
Discharge_WAIVED - Discharge Waived |
DISMISSED - Case Dismissed |
DISMISSED_w/PREJUD - Case Dismissed with Prejudice |
DNEF - NEF Order |
DoNotClose_Hardship |
DoNotClose_Hardship - Mtn for Hardship Discharge pending, do not close case |
DschgCerts |
DschgCerts - Pre-Discharge Certifications Due |
DsclsDue |
DsclsDue - Disclosure Statement Due |
DSO - Certification re: Domestic Support Obligations Due |
DuplicateCaseFiledInError |
Duplicate Case Filed in Error - Administratively Closed |
eSR |
Opened from an eSR package |
Exh/SealedDoc |
Exh/SealedDoc - Exhibits and/or sealed documents were submitted in this case - check for disposal |
FederalExemption |
Federal Exemption |
FeeAppPend |
Application re Filing Fees Pending (IFP or Installments) |
FeeDueAbn |
FeeDueAbn - Abandon Fee Due |
FeeDueAdCr |
FeeDueAdCr - Amended Matrix Fee Due |
FeeDueAdP |
FeeDueAdP - Adversary Fee Due |
FeeDueAmd |
FeeDueAmd - Amended Schedules Fee Due |
FeeDueApl |
FeeDueApl - Appeal Fee Due |
FeeDueBK |
FeeDueBK - Bankruptcy Petition Fee Due |
FeeDueCApl |
FeeDueCApl - Cross Appeal Fee Due |
FeeDueCnv |
FeeDueCnv - Conversion Fee Due |
FeeDueDirAplAuth |
FeeDueDirAplAuth - Direct Appeal to Circuit Court Authorized/Additional Fee Due |
FeeDueFunds |
FeeDueFunds - Unclaimed Funds Fee Due |
FeeDueINST |
FeeDueINST - Installment Payment Due |
FeeDueMP |
FeeDueMP - Miscellaneous Proceeding Fee Due |
FeeDueMtnSell |
FeeDueMtnSell - § 363(f) Motion to Sell Property Fee Due |
FeeDuePC |
FeeDuePC - Fee due in prior case |
FeeDueRedact |
FeeDueRedact - Redaction Fee Due |
FeeDueRemvl |
FeeDueRemvl - Removal Fee Due |
FeeDueReop |
FeeDueReop - Reopen Fee Due |
FeeDueRgFJdg |
FeeDueRgFJdg - Fee Due Registration of Foreign Judgment |
FeeDueRLFSTY - Relief from Stay Fee Due |
FeeDueSevr |
FeeDueSevr - Sever Fee Due |
FeeDueSnc |
FeeDueSnc - Sanctions Ordered (for financial tracking only) |
FeeDueTrClm |
FeeDueTrClm - Transfer of Claim Fee Due |
FeeDueWdRef |
FeeDueWdRef - Withdrawal of Reference Fee Due |
FINrvw |
FINrvw - Finance Review Required re Appl for Payment of Unclaimed Funds |
FMC_Exempt_D |
FMC_Exempt_D - Debtor is exempt from financial management course requirements |
FMC_Exempt_JD |
FMC_Exempt_JD - Joint Debtor is exempt from financial management course requirements |
FUNDS - Funds Deposited in Court Registry |
HealthCare |
HealthCare - Debtor is a health care business - PPO rules apply |
HRGPNS - Hearings to be held in Pensacola Division per motion & order granting |
HSC - Historically Significant Case |
IFP - Informa pauperis debtor / fees waived |
IneligClose |
IneligClose - Ineligible for automatic case closing; manual close required |
IneligDisch |
IneligDisch - Case ineligible for discharge |
Interpleader |
INTRA - Case is an Intra-Distict Transfer |
JNTADMN - Jointly Administered Case |
LEAD - Lead case in jointly administered or consolidated cases |
LimitedNotice |
LimitedNotice - Limited Notice Permitted |
M1519 |
M1519 - Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519 |
M1521/1507 |
M1521/1507 - Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 |
MDSM - Motion to Dismiss pending |
MDSM_P - Motion to Dismiss w/Prejudice Pending |
MEANSNO - Form 22A indicates no presumption of abuse |
MEANSTMPEX - Temporary exclusion from means test for Reservists & National Guard |
MEANSU - Presumption of Abuse undetermined |
MEANSYES - Presumption of Abuse |
MEMBER - Member of an associated case set |
MMM - Mortgage modification mediation pending; review prior to closing |
MRO - Motion to Reopen Case pending |
MtnDefWvFee |
MtnDefWvFee - Motion to Defer or Waive Fee pending |
NoADI - Do not allow automatic docketing via ADI in this case |
NoAutoDisch |
NoAutoDisch - Do not allow Auto Discharge for this case |
NODISCH - Do Not Discharge |
No_RCS |
No_RCS - Reaffirmation Agreement filed without cover sheet |
No_Subchapter_V |
No_Subchapter_V - Ch 11 Case, not Subchapter V |
NTCAPR - Ntc of Appearance filed - Add creditor(s) |
OBJ1515 |
OBJ1515 - Objection to Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515 |
OBJ1519 |
OBJ1519 - Objection to Provisional Relief Section 1519 |
OBJ1521/1507 |
OBJ1521/1507 - Objection to Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 |
ORD1515 |
ORD1515 - Order on Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515 |
ORD1519 |
ORD1519 - Order on Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519 |
ORD1521/1507 |
ORD1521/1507 - Order on Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 |
Ovrride |
Ovrride - Creditor Address Override |
PayStub |
PayStub - Payroll Advice or Statement of No Employer Income Due |
PlnDue |
PlnDue - Plan Due |
PreAct |
PreAct - Case filed prior to the enactment of the BAPCPA |
ProBonoLtd |
ProBonoLtd - Limited Appearance Pro Bono Representation of Debtor |
ProSeESR |
Opened from an eSR package |
Pro_Bono |
Pro Bono Representation of Debtor(s) |
PRO_SE - Debtor(s) in case is (are) pro se |
Pro_se_Reaff |
Pro_se_Reaff - Pro se Reaffirmation Agreement filed |
PRVDISCH - Debtor previously discharged |
PRVDISM - Debtor previously dismissed |
QC_Reaf |
QC_Reaf - QC Reaffirmation Agreement and then remove flag |
R1AP |
Governed by Order Establishing Procedures re "First Round" Adversary Proceedings |
R2AP |
Governed by Order Establishing Procedures re "Second Round" Adversary Proceedings |
REAF - Reaffirmation hearing scheduled |
ReafHdShp |
ReafHdShp - Undue hardship re: reaffirmation |
ReafHrg |
ReafHrg - Reaffirmation hearing scheduled |
REOPEN - Case Reopened |
Repeat |
Repeat - Repeat/Serial Filer |
ReqHrgCancel |
ReqHrgCancel - Request for Cancellation of Hearing (NO PDF REQUIRED) |
ReqSepNtc |
ReqSepNtc - Debtors in joint case request separate notice |
RevAmdDocMap |
RevAmdDocMap - Review Amended Document Mapping (Stats) |
SmBus |
SmBus - Ch 11 Small Business |
SPLITCASE - Joint Case Severed |
StateExemption |
State Exemption |
Subchapter_V |
Subchapter_V - Chapter 11, Subchapter V |
TaxReq |
TaxReq - Request for tax documents pending |
*** DO NOT USE THIS FLAG - Use the INTRA, TRANSIN or TRANSOUT flag instead *** |
TRANSIN - Case Transferred into the District |
TRANSOUT - Case Transferred Out of District |
Waive |
Waive - Debtor(s) has(have) waived the discharge in this case |
WithXMLData |
A code to track cases opened with XML data |
Withdrawal of Trustee Services Rendered |